For a series of author interviews and literary readings recorded on the Leeward Community College campus, visit The Reading Room, EMC Leeward CC.
Leeward Community College hosts a collection of instructional videos on their Youtube Channel, EMC Leeward CC.
Pūpū A ‘O ‘Ewa is a Leeward Community College online project publishing Native Hawaiian writing and art.
Mānoa Horizons is an annual journal of peer-reviewed, undergraduate-student research, creative work, and innovation at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa.
For a collection of linked poetry, visit the Renshi Series by Bamboo Ridge: A Journal of Hawai‘i Literature and Arts.
The Hawai‘i Review is a literary journal published by the Student Media Board at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa.
Ka Hue Anahā features academic and research writing from various KCC courses, including English, history, philosophy, and psychology.
Newspaper and Magazines
Ka Mana’o is the student news magazine at Leeward Community College. Students write, photograph, design graphics, edit, and publish the magazine. It also showcases students’ creative works such as poetry, art, photography, and creative writing.
Ka ‘Ohana is Windward Community College’s award-winning student newspaper, a monthly publication that covers both campus and community news.
Ka Leo O Hawai‘i is the campus newspaper of the University of Hawai‘i at Manoa.
Kapi‘o News is the student newspaper of Kapi‘olani Community College.
Place-Based Short Stories
Cataluna, Lee. “Kōloa.” Bamboo Ridge, no. 100, edited by Eric Chock and Darrell H. Y. Lum, Bamboo Ridge Press, 2012, pp. 192-195.
Kanae, Lisa Linn. Islands Linked by Ocean. Bamboo Ridge Press, 2009.
Kanae, Lisa Linn. “Born-again Hawaiian.” Islands Linked by Ocean. Bamboo Ridge Press, 2009, pp. 42-54.
Keller, Nora Okja. “A Bite of Kimchee.” Growing Up Local: An Anthology of Poetry and Prose from Hawai‘i, edited by Eric Chock, James R. Harstad, Darrell H. Y. Lum, and Bill Teter, Bamboo Ridge Press, 1998, pp. 295-299.
Place-Based and Culture-Based Books
Choy, Sammie, et al. The Best of Aloha Shorts. Bamboo Ridge Press, 2018.
Literary Criticism
McDougall, Brandy Nālani. Finding Meaning: Kaona and Contemporary Hawaiian Literature. University of Arizona Press, 2016.
Inoshita, Ann. Mānoa Stream. Kahuaomānoa Press, 2007.
McDougall, Brandy Nālani. The Salt-Wind: Ka Makani Pa‘akai. Kuleana ‘Ōiwi Press, 2008.
Passion, Christy, Ann Inoshita, Juliet S. Kono, and Jean Yamasaki Toyama. What We Must Remember: Linked Poems. Bamboo Ridge Press, 2017.
“A Brief Guide to Kanaka Maoli (Native Hawaiian) Poetry.”, Academy of American Poets, 14 May 2004,
Toyama, Jean Yamasaki, Juliet S. Kono, Ann Inoshita, and Christy Passion. No Choice but to Follow. Bamboo Ridge Press, 2010.