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This is an open access publication, available online and distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International  except where otherwise noted.

What is an Electron? What is Light? is adapted from several openly licensed materials listed below.

OpenStax College Physics
Senior Contributing Authors
Paul Peter Urone, California State University, Sacramento
Roger Hinrichs, State University of New York, College at Oswego
Contributing Authors
Kim Dirks, University of Auckland
Manjula Sharma, University of Sydney

OpenStax Chemistry Atoms First 2e
Senior Contributing Authors
Paul Flowers, University of North Carolina at Pembroke
Edward J. Neth, University of Connecticut
William R. Robinson, PhD
Klaus Theopold, University of Delaware
Richard Langley, Stephen F. Austin State University
Contributing Authors
Jennifer Look, Mercer University
Allison Soult, University of Kentucky
Simon Bott, University of Houston
Donald Carpenetti, Craven Community College
Andrew Eklund, Alfred University
Emad El-Giar, University of Louisiana at Monroe
Don Frantz, Wilfrid Laurier University
Paul Hooker, Westminster College
Carol Martinez, Central New Mexico Community College
Troy Milliken, Jackson State University
Vicki Moravec, Trine University
George Kaminski, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Mark Blaser, Shasta College
Jason Powell, Ferrum College
Thomas Sorensen, University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee

OpenStax AP Biology
Senior Contributing Authors
Julianne Zedalis, The Bishop’s School in La Jolla, CA
John Eggebrecht, Cornell University
Contributing Authors
Yael Avissar, Rhode Island College
Jung Choi, Georgia Institute of Technology
Jean DeSaix, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Vladimir Jurukovski, Suffolk County Community College
Connie Rye, East Mississippi Community College
Robert Wise, University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh

The disciplines: Physics, Biology, Chemistry, and Math, in Introductory Physics for the Life Sciences I – NEXUS Physics, University of Maryland, College Park and a few other sources from that Wikibook
E.F. Redish

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Physics 132: What is an Electron? What is Light? Copyright © 2020 by Roger Hinrichs; Paul Peter Urone; Paul Flowers; Edward J. Neth; William R. Robinson; Klaus Theopold; Richard Langley; Julianne Zedalis; John Eggebrecht; and E.F. Redish is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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